Participant Projects

During the 2019 summer institute, Faculty Fellows developed student-facing projects. These ranged from single assignments to new syllabi, and will be rolled out in Fall 2019 at Queensboro Correctional Facility and LaGuardia Community College in English, Communication, Liberal Arts, Human Services, and Criminal Justice courses. 

Word Choice: Superpredators: Martina Clark

For Composition I (ENG101), I’ve created a close reading assignment, with a writing/reflection component, looking at stigmatizing language around incarceration, specifically the term “superpredator.” Following this seminar, I am now much more aware of what I can do to help on a more immediate level through my own teaching including a collaboration with the Public Health faculty on the criminalization of HIV around the world, and an assignment for my Global Politics course (SSP200) on incarceration around the world.

Read the assignment in full here.

Shakespeare in Carceral Institutions: Leah Richards 

I created the sequence of assignments for Composition I (ENG101) on the topic of Shakespeare performance and study in carceral institutions. I also intend to look into teaching the work of Shakespeare or Samuel Beckett or another major playwright in a prison.

See it via this link.

Writing at Queensboro Correctional Facility: Joni Schwartz

I designed and developed a syllabus for a semester-long writing course at Queensboro Correctional Facility, and secured texbooks and writing materials in preparation for the fall semester. The readings and discussions during the institute were particularly important in developing this; in particular, the Bard Prison Initiative speaker (Daniel Karpowitz) expanded my way of thinking about recidivism and the power of language to frame thinking.

See the syllabus.

Enhancing Corrections & Sentencing: John Chaney

Students enrolled in 2019-2020 Corrections & Sentencing (SSJ202) classes will have one class dedicated to an onsite tour and learning circle experience at Queensboro Correctional Facility (QCF). The project also includes a collaborative theatrical performance at QCF that highlights incarceration issues of interest to interdisciplinary audiences, especially Criminal Justice and Humanities.

The project plan can be read here.

Speaking Out for Social Justice: Jill Kehoe

My project is to create a syllabus for a Learning Community entitled “Speaking Out for Social Justice” partnering Public Speaking (HUC106) with the First Year Seminar in Criminal Justice (CFJ101). With complementary syllabi and joint assignments, this Learning Community will seek to improve students’ skills in formal public speaking while emphasizing the role of effective communication in exposing miscarriages of justice and enacting social change.

Read the syllabus via this link.

Prison Letter Writing: Anna Voisard

The Prison Letter Writing Assignment prompts students to write a letter to a family member or friend from the perspective of an inmate serving a life sentence. The assignment includes multi-modal examples of prison writing that students will read and watch before writing their own letters as part of the Technical Writing class (ENG259). In addition, I will be participating in a letter writing/pen pal project with Joni Schwartz and her Creative Writing class at Queensboro Correctional Facility, and will also be teaching a Creative Nonfiction class at Queensboro Correctional Facility.

See the full assignment here.

Mass Incarceration – The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time: Maureen Doyle

Mass incarceration is described as the civil rights issue of our time. This unit/session will enhance Human Service students understanding of mass incarceration and cultural competency related the experience of students with justice experience within Introduction to Human Services (HSS101). This was developed during the institute, during which I broadened my understanding of mass incarceration, trauma-informed work, and cultural competency.

The full unit plan is here.