About the Seminar
Funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and led by Professors Shannon Proctor and Naomi Stubbs, these two summer institutes address themes related to education and incarceration, and will bring together faculty and staff to share ideas and discuss readings, and will visiting speakers addressing these topics.
The first institute (2019), will focus on how the humanities can contribute to the study of mass incarceration through classroom, co-curricular, and college-wide initiatives. Faculty fellows will engage with CUNY projects and humanities scholarship on mass incarceration, and identify how to better integrate liberal arts into these efforts. Following this, fellows will develop assignments, activities, or campus events to put this knowledge into practice. These projects will then be refined throughout the institute’s workshops and in conversation with several speakers whose scholarship and community work address the role of education in responding to the problems of incarceration.
The 2020 summer institute will focus on the creation and publication of scholarship connected to mass incarceration and the humanities. Faculty fellows will propose an academic, creative, or pedagogical research project that will be developed, workshopped, and submitted for publication. Through the spring semester and in the run up to institute fellows will share drafts of their works-in-progress, leading to the summer institute where experts in the field will join our conversations around publishing and the dissemination of our work.
Eligibility: This seminar is open to full and part-time faculty members. Faculty not in the humanities may participate, but their project must have humanistic content. Faculty may participate in one or both seminars.
Inquiries: Naomi Stubbs ([email protected], x5680), Shannon Proctor ([email protected] x6016) or Ros Orgel ([email protected], x5448)